Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Opening Thoughts, and "Occupy San Diego"


     I've love photography. But let's get something straight: I am an amateur, and perhaps not even an advanced (who am I kidding, I'm not) one either, despite painstakingly studying as many photography resources as I can find, I haven't necessarily gotten any better, as being knowledgeable in a field doesn't ever qualify one as an expert. From what I have learned in the past year is that the best shooters are those who just shoot, and often; writers don't improve by reading Stephen King's On Writing, they improve by writing, and often! People develop skills by going out to shoot, knowledge can be taught but wisdom has to come from experience. And that's just the thing, I am a busy busy man (or boy), hell it already took me six bloody months to come up with something to write! I don't have the time to shoot all the time. I love photography, but I do other things too. And that's who this is dedicated to: the shutterjockey, photographers who have other things to do but are really love to press that button. In spite of my busy schedule I will devote what time I can (and want to) to this blog, which I have dubbed Gorogoro Shinbun, or the Lazy Newspaper.

Downtown San Diego

    Civil disobedience here in San Diego isn't very common, so it was a bit odd seeing the "Occupy" protesters. I thought I had come at a bad time, as most of the protesters were absent. 

     Apparently on the same night that these pictures were taken the was another scuffle between officers and protesters, not really surprising I know. However it was interesting  when I arrived, with only a handful of people present, they didn't mind me shooting, but when I had the courage to get up close I had run out of film.